Arabic tea towel

I love tea towels!! My mum used to get all these super cute ones whenever we travelled. Here is something I am working on at the moment… It’s just a rough… On a supposed tea towel… Thank you for looking! xx now, spread the word…pretty please… 🙂

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Samphire print featured on…

    Brogues Hand Print has been picked to feature on ” daily favorites” 02/27/2012 @ PaperStitch website 😀 Check it out, some good stuff there! Find us here on Facebook Online shops @ Blomming  @ Etsy      

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Wishing you a Happy Valentines 2012

Sorry folks, been quite busy… So it’s kinda a late wish for you all to have a wonderful day… But I don’t believe in a day set aside to loving people in our lives. I believe in everyday, making the best of those with us and those who accept us, love us and hold ourContinue reading “Wishing you a Happy Valentines 2012”

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Happy Holidays!

Firstly, A very warm Merry Christmas to all the customers, friends and family of Samphire Arts. without all of you all, where would I be? ( I’d have no one reading my ramblings… ;p ) I wish to thank you all for such a wonderful, crazy, busy and eye-opening learning curve of a year! SamphireContinue reading “Happy Holidays!”

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i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)

This is a poem that is very close to my heart. I think it is simple and beautifully written and possibly one of the rarest poems that truly speaks to me. It is a poem by E.E Cummings who has a wonderful way of putting things into words, stuff that your heart would truly feelContinue reading “i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)”

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